About us

Our journey began with the discovery of the extraordinary benefits of black seed oil. This powerful oil supports the immune system, makes the skin glow, adds shine to the hair, strengthens nails, fights inflammation, strengthens bones, energizes athletes and even helps with weight management.

Despite these impressive benefits, black seed oil was not as popular due to its bitter taste. It was especially not attractive for children. Driven by the desire to make this powerful oil accessible, we started looking for alternatives. To our surprise, we didn't find anything suitable, so we decided to create something ourselves. This is how El Gummo was born!

Our mission was clear: retain the power of black seed oil, but neutralize the bitterness with a natural sweetening ingredient. Blueberries emerged as the perfect match, not only because of their delicious taste, but also because of their healthy properties.

The result? A gummy that contains all the properties of black seed oil, but with a deliciously sweet taste. Completely natural, organic and packed with antioxidants. Of course, our gummies are 100% halal and 100% vegan, made from non-genetically modified ingredients (non-GMO).

Our black seed oil gummies have undergone extensive testing at Normec and are registered with the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

Our journey began with the search for an alternative to the bitter taste of black seed oil and ended with the creation of El Gummo - a tasty revolution in health!

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